Pizza Ranch Serves

Today's Post

Flooded Community

Monday Mission - Serve Others

Mission for this week is to serve others. For those living in NW Iowa, the flooding in local communities is providing ample opportunities to serve others.

Opposing Forces

Friday Devotional – Opposing Forces

At our Pizza Ranch National Conference last week, I talked about the battles of life. That they are real, can be constant, relentless, energy draining, and life-altering. Since I gave that message, there have been a few questions about what “causes” those things to happen. I don’t know that answer…except from what I find

Thursday Thought - Gifts We Already Have to Give

One of the biggest and unexpected blessings of being a Mama is how God teaches me so much about Him through my girls. Every so often, my daughters will create a game of sorts where there are goodie bags as a prize. They look through all of their belongs and do a really good job of finding treasures that they already own to gift to someone else.

Monday Mission – Trust God with Today and Tomorrow

A couple of weeks ago, we had a really beautiful morning, so I took my Bible, blanket and coffee to my deck. I opened my Bible to that day’s reading and saw it was Romans 10. Now I love the Apostle Paul just as much as the next gal, but Romans has always been a difficult book for me to read, let alone comprehend really well. But that day, I felt like God was really nudging me to go back and re-read a couple of chapters.

Man sitting in nature praying.

Tuesday Truths - Go To God In Prayer

Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” With this being an election year, praying for our leaders and future leaders should be even more so on the front of our mind.